You have a list of obligations during the asylum procedure.

According to the Asylum Procedures Directive and the Act on Asylum you have an obligation to cooperate with the competent authorities for the processing of your asylum application. You are required:

  • not to leave the territory of Slovakia and in the case, you do not have residence in the country, you have to stay in the asylum camp;
  • to cooperate with the police department, Migration Office, to comply with the laws valid on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the residence rules of the asylum camp;
  • to undergo taking of a photography / taking of fingerprints carried  out by the Police department (if you are at least 14 years old)
  • to undergo a medical examination without undue delay after your arrival to the reception centre;
  • to stay in the reception centre until the announcement of the result of the medical examination;
  • to comply with the generally binding legal regulations and cooperate with the Ministry of Interior;
  • to report to the relevant Police department within three working days, if you stay outside of the accommodation centre;
  • to comply with the internal rules during your stay in the asylum facility;
  • to protect your applicant’s card and report its loss, theft, damage to the Ministry of Interior;
  • to adequately cover the expenses relating to your stay in the asylum facility, or the cost of medical care provided to you,if the Ministry of Interior decides so and if your financial and proprietary circumstances are such that it is possible to request from you at least a partial payment of the expenses relating to this stay;
  • to tell the truth and to submit all the available evidence;
  • to notify the Ministry of Interior of changes in marital status and data on the place of residence and the birth of a child on the territory of the Slovak Republic within 20 days.


Last updated 15/04/2023