What are the requirements for lawful detention in an asylum context?


You cannot be automatically detained just because you have expressed a wish to seek asylum in Slovakia . The detention of an asylum seeker is permitted only in one or more of the following situations:

  • your identity is unknown;
  • there are reasons to believe that you are using the asylum procedure for the wrong reasons (e.g. to avoid a return procedure);
  • to verify the information you have given, especially if there is a risk of flight;
  • to decide whether to allow your entry into the country;
  • the Slovak authorities have grounds to believe that you pose a threat to national security or public order and security;
  • other European Union country is responsible for processing your application;
  • for the purpose of execution of the administrative expulsion or of the order for expulsion.

You must be released when the relevant ground or grounds of your detention cease to exist. However, bare lodging of the application for granting asylum or the request for assisted voluntary return shall not be the reason to release you. You can be detained for the time as reasonably necessary, but for not more than six months.

Human rights standards

Even if there are lawful grounds to detain you, your detention will only comply with human rights standards if:

  • the verification procedure is conducted with due diligence whilst you are being detained;
  • you are held in a place meant for the detention of asylum seekers.

Read more about the place of detention, conditions and treatment.

What human rights violation may there be?

If you are detained but not according to lawful grounds and/or following lawful procedures, it may result in a violation of the right to liberty and security of a person.


Last updated 24/04/2023